Thursday, August 31, 2006

I am six months old

This month I have achieved a great milestone on following:
  • I can sit without support;

  • My leg is getting stronger and can stand with support;

  • My mama started to give me eat solid food, such as puree and vege porridge;

      Am I look pretty in this pink dress (bought by auntie chee yen) and the hat was initially from papa but end up my mama is the one who paid the bill...thank you mama. My mama has dressed me up as they are going to bring me to attend farewell party at uncle julian & auntie kwee chin's condo. However, i dunno them much but I am happy to dress up as pretty as a doll :)

      Saturday, August 12, 2006

      First meeting with Aunty Lisa aka tai ee

      All along I always hear popo and mama mentioned about aunty lisa aka tai ee but why i never see her huh. According to mama, aunty lisa is staying in place far far away from Malaysia and will take 8 hours journey to reach by airplane and working with a Big Big Hotel Chain Company.

      I wonder where she is ow....... and how she looks like ah? popo and everyone always said I look like her ..... I hope to see her soon .... my place or her place

      But today, I got a surprise when mama came back home with someone. She called my name, but I do not know her ........ luckily mama introduce her as tai ee to me if not I will run away immediately. But something tells me not to run away, you know those same looks and closeness and tai ee's holding lots of goodies .... slowly one by one tai ee pass to me ....wahhhh ..... hurray ..... I love my tai ee. I am so happy with so many new toys .....

      I am so sad when she have to go back after few days.... well I hope that tai ee will come and see me again soon. and I will show her new tricks from her toys

      Nigel and Me