I actually over heard the conversation between Uncle LC and Jasper kor kor .... Uncle was telling Jasper kor kor to be become a car manufacturer or producer like AOD's Wah Man Hon ..... while Aunty Jun Ling is telling Jasper kor kor to be Architech .... Emmm similar like another topic .... Jasper having another young Titi or MuiMui....
anyway ... i love today and tomorrow, since papa and mama no need to work. Than papa and mama can pei-pei me tomorrow, maybe can go kai-kai.
ask papa whats the occassion... and papa answer that it have something to do with independent and freedom..... Em you understand what is "Independent and freedom" ahhh ???? papa say I will automatically understand when I reach 21 years old wohhhh... wahh have to take so long to learn wan ahhhh ... this must be a very difficult subject.
Caught in the act ...... lucky everyone is around to pull CF kor kor away, if not will have scandal. Maybe CF kor kor will learn Merdeka faster than me ....