The above is all the Birthday Uncle and Aunties. Not that they share the same birth date.... but this occasion is solely for them.... It's a consolidated Birthday Party for the Month July, Sept and Oct.... Better late than never lah..... dont be so fussy lah ..... my papa say, so long can enjoy expensive food .. happy liao...
So many Uncles and Aunties attend this makan-makan... and together with Jin-jin kor-kor and Cheok Fung Kor-kor too...
As for the night entertainment and mood play, its done by myself and CF kor-kor. We are quite a good "K" singer ...ok. Song include Old MacDonald, ABC, Happy Birthday and etc...
This is our couple of the month and strong nomination for the Couple of the Year award .... Auntie Jac and Uncle You Mun
You see they are both so happy and shy ... just like real only..... it only its real, then Nigel and myself will have one more ang pau during CNY.
The birthday cake ... emmm yummy .... also to be included is Uncle's Derek Chan's Girlfriend Birthday too... Auntie Jane Lee Mei Kuan
Uncle You Mun is so funny ....with so many poses..
Some of the drink that entertain us during the night..... unfortunately everyone did not manage to try out the Macallan..... but at least all uncle and aunties finishes the Gold Label....
Then we have a very wonderful White Wine called Sauvignon Blanc to CHEERS .....