Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cycling in the Neighbourhood

Papa bought titi Nigel and myself out cycling in the neighbourhood today in the late afternoon when the sun is not shining so hot.... actually it rained in the afternoon..... I am so worried that it's going to pour heavily as it will effect my outing ....

The day is so cooling and nice to ride a bicycle .... (the bicycle is actually given to me by my Kam Poh) .... I like riding bicycle, but it seems that this bicycle can not go so fast ... dissappointed. Hope that Papa or uncles and aunties sekian could sponsor me a truth breed bicycle for me to practise .... (dont worry about mama, I will kau tim her).

After mama see me enjoying so much she will mellow down. As for Papa... no worries, he trust me all the way....

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Nigel and Me