Today, I would like to introduce my Choo Choo friends to everybody. His name is Thomas .... I bought him home on sunday after some 7 hours of marathon shopping with papa and mama.
Then add some tunnel or man-made tunnel for excitement.... and sit back to see Thomas goes round and round....
Nigel also very happy that we bought Thomas home. Nigel can't stop moving or approaching Thomas .... we are so worried that he will fall down and get run down by Thomas .... kekekeke actually knock his head on the floor lahh. Thomas is very good toy, we will not harm Nigel wan.
This part is the Thomas and the Queen Kong friends, which you will not see it on TV ... Arhhhhh...
No lahhhh .... actually papa was telling me to clean up for Bed Time .... As it's was getting very late ....
Nigel and myself will wake up early tomorrow and play with Thomas.
p/s Lens and Flash courtesy of Dickson Ooi
hey... vivian... you are a very good girl oh... will clean up your toys after playing with them...
CF kor-kor is at the opposite... he just mess them up while playing... and then leave them as it is...
You must teach CF kor-kor how to be a good boy and clean up his toys yeah... ;)
vv, thomas is very fun!!!can have collection of other choo choos
I don't like to clean up after playing too. But papa very strict wan ..
If I don't clean up, I can't proceed with other things eg .. kai-kai, yummy food, yummy drinks and etc...
So have to discipline a bit loh when he around .. but seems like everyone in the house is like papa ... down-nya.
yalor .. thomas got lot's of friend.... and lots of railing tracks and accessories. Wonder who and when will my thomas be upgrading or expending ... kekeke
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